Saturday, July 26, 2014

Lino Cut Recovery

     Spent the evening finding a printer and then finding ink for said printer. Tried the same process over again, after another small test; using the same materials. This time the image transferred perfectly!  Went on and started cutting the block, and spent more time on it than I had planed on, in a good way. 

The small test block can be seen to the left.

Only problem now.... 
The black printing ink I bought for this a while back turned out to be gray.... and sparkly :(

Friday, July 25, 2014

Lino Cut Catastrophe

Tried to take sometime today to finish up a personal project; a lino cut of the image below. Finished the drawing and text, decided the easiest way to get the transfer would be to use a gel transfer medium.. Specifically made for such. Did a test transfer using all the same materials and drying times.. and below is how it turned out. :'( 


Tried to recover the drawing from the horrible photo above, using illustrator. 

now to find a working printer :(

A Painting I have been working on for a friend, thought I would put some different shots of it up, still in progress.